Tuesday, April 23, 2024

2024 April 21st Day 23, to Polkerris

I left at 08:00 for a pleasant sail to Polkerris with hardly a cloud in the sky during the morning and a light to moderate following wind, it was even quite warm for an hour or so until the cold wind increased and the cruising chute had to come down.. 

An interesting concept, an old boat about 24 feet long re-rigged
as a Junk and with davits on the back for the tender.
With a variable wind I sailed on to just short of  Gribben Head when the wind finally died and I motored the last 3 or 4 miles into Polkerris for a quite night.
Par Sands at sunset

34 miles in eight and a quarter hours.
There are a few more pics in the slide show on the next post.

Click here for Fowey and St Mawes.

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