Monday, May 13, 2024

2024 May 10th days 43 to 45, To The Skerries and Ardglass.

Again no wind and chilly with sea fret but warm at times, the wind came up twice but then disappeared within 10 minutes of setting sail and it increased a third time a mile from the anchorage.

On the last three passages across the northern entrance to
Dublin Bay I have had to avoid this ferry.
The Skerries from the anchorage where there was a nice spot
well separated from the surrounding moorings.
45 miles in nine and a half hours
The trip up to Ardglass was rather better, warmer much of the time and I sailed half the time with a pleasant, but chilly wind of 9 - 12 knots from the ESE.
A very large seal in the middle of the harbour entrance.
The narrow channel into the marina, the white marker in the
picture of the seal is shown as a yellow pillar on the chart.
The snapshot was taken as I write with the wind F6 in the
shelter of the harbour. It is rather bumpy so I hope the
wind dies soon.
The narrow channel into the marina, between the red (port hand)
and green (starboard hand) lateral buoys,.
Approaching low tide.
Ardglass is a pleasant stop off point with decent showers, local
shops etc., but its a pity they can't keep the visitors pontoon
clean; the other pontoons and the long walkways in the pic above
are very clean.
Monday was forecast to be blustery and very wet, that was not wrong, as I write it has been raining since late morning and the wind is about F6, as forecast in the lunch time inshore forecast. Aware that this was likely I had the boat refuelled very early.

The wind should die out this evening, the rain may hang around through tomorrow morning but, unless things change, I will be off at about 07:00 for Browns Bay to hopefully get across the North Channel before the wind turns northerly late on Friday or Saturday, unfortunately I suspect there will be more motoring required to get there. Once across I will have a lot more flexibility to make relatively short hops under sail as anchorages with good shelter are relatively plentiful. 

2024 Arklow to The Skerries to Ardglass

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