Thursday, May 16, 2024

2024 May 16th Day 48, Craro Bay to Muilean Eiteae Bagh, Loch Caolisport.

The forecast was for very light winds during the day and brisk or strong winds overnight, also for northerly winds for several days. Fed up with all of the motoring on this trip I decided on a short hop to one of the limited number of anchorages sheltered from the north, most of which are not usable if there is any swell from the south, not currently an issue. 

Jura from the Sound of Jura. The forecast was correct, little
or no wind the whole way.
I left at 07:45 and arrived at 11:00 somewhat annoyed as there appeared to be a home made pot buoy on the exact spot I had marked to anchor but when I got very close it turned out to be a dead bird so I continued with my plan although as the previous night a light southerly set in as I approached, on this occasion I anchored under power going astern to make absolutely certain I was in the right position with a good anchor hold in advance of a F5-6 wind expected overnight.

Muilean Eiteae Bagh is my kind of anchorage; no habitation or roads in sight and when the wind died after anchoring complete, absolute silence – a rare thing. Until the cuckoos  started calling; I do not like them having, years ago, been sleep deprived for weeks when one took up residence at the end of the garden and stated calling in the pre-dawn every day.

I suspect it will be another short hop tomorrow to somewhere around Crinan and then I will motor to the sound of Mull as that needs to be done in one go and the tide is just about acceptable on Saturday.

16 miles in three and a quarter hours.

2024 Muilean Eiteae Bagh

Click here for the Sound of Mull and Loch Aline.

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