Sunday, June 9, 2024

2024 June 9th Day72, moved to the anchorage at Bay or Ireland.

Finally out of the marina but only about a mile and a half east as the crow flies, but anchoring is free. I thought I might have to stay longer as with the strong wind i probably would not have cleared a large boat behind me but it briefly dropped off to c12 knots and I got out before it increased to 30 as I made my way to Bay of Ireland, wind now F4-5 gusting 6 but is forecast to be a bit stronger at times. And rain all day tomorrow . 

With the current weather forecasts, the probability now is that I will head west so I stayed close to Hoy Mouth, if that changes I may move south but could leave from here.

Old moorings being lifted, almost certainly from an abandoned
fish farm.

Approaching the anchorage at 3 knots. Stromness 
Visible at the start.

Hopefully away Tuesday or more likely Wednesday. Video of going into the anchorage at < 3 knots, Stromness in view at the start.

Click here for plans for Tuesday.

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